Wednesday 21 August 2013

The trouble with Garmin GPS devices....

It turns out that you can't actually talk to a Garmin Forerunner 410 GPS in a meaningful way out on the road.

I wanted to get the distance information essentially in real time. It turns out this is not possible.

 I did some testing against my USB ANT+ Stick that came with my Gamrin Forerunner and a modified version of the Python ANT Downloader on Ubuntu (

You can only get ANT-FS "files" for download from a FR410 after a run. Never anything (useful) during the run.


That meant that we wouldn't be getting any distance info out of the watch. Not what we wanted. Was it just going to display messages and no real time info?

 Luckily there is another way to get distance information from the Garmin ecosystem. The Garmin Foot-pod.

 So now rather than integrate with GPS we are integrating with the Foot-pod sensor directly. As an added benefit we'll be able to display stride counts too!

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